Sexual Violence
According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, one in six women will experience a rape or an attempted rape in her lifetime.
Sexual violence is non-consensual conduct of a sexual nature. It can include, sexual harassment, voyeurism, exposure, sexual exploitation, sexual assault, rape, forcible sodomy, incest, child sexual abuse, ritual abuse statutory rape, drug-facilitated sexual assault and intimate partner sexual assault.
Men, women and children can be a victim of sexual violence regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity or appearance. It is a purposeful, violent behavior that can leave the victim feeling fear, humiliation, loss of control, guilt, anger and embarrassment to name a few. Some victims will even feel they are to blame for the attack or are often not believed and made to feel its their fault. In reality, it is NEVER the victims fault but is the fault of the abuser.
The victim has the right to make their own decisions, be respected and feel safe. Sexual violence takes those rights away from another person.
A common form of sexual assault is Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault.
Drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) is also known as "predator rape." This happens when the victim becomes incapacitated from drugs or alcohol or the predator has slipped a drug in a drink without the victims knowledge and a rape occurs afterwards.
Although females fall victim to this the most, men can also be victims of drug-facilitated rape.
The most common forms of drugs used for this purpose are Rohypnol, GHB, ketamine, ecstasy, hypnotics and sedatives.
Perpetrators are usually non-confrontational and looking for good opportunities to commit such a crime. They usually have it planned out in advanced, such as building some trust with the victim, where it will take place, so that it wont be interrupted, what they will do to avoid being caught or arrested (such as re-dressing the victim or telling the victim that it was consensual or that there was no sexual contact or leaving the scene before the victim wakes up.)
Again, education is needed to prevent such tragedies within our community. By learning what to look for at parties or other places where alcohol is being served, you can prevent sexual assaults.
What are some ways to reduce your risk of being sexually assaulted?
How can you help a friend that you suspect has been drugged?
If you have to take a friend to the ER because you suspect they have been drugged, what should you take along to the ER with you?
What are some early warning signs that you may have been drugged?
What do you do if you think you are a victim of DFSA?
Being educated about drug-facilitated sexual assaults will better prepared you for your safety as well as the safety of your friends.
If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence and would like help, please call 660-269-8111.
If you would like for someone to come and speak to your group about domestic/sexual violence, please give us a call. Our presentations will be "age appropriate" for your group.
According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, one in six women will experience a rape or an attempted rape in her lifetime.
Sexual violence is non-consensual conduct of a sexual nature. It can include, sexual harassment, voyeurism, exposure, sexual exploitation, sexual assault, rape, forcible sodomy, incest, child sexual abuse, ritual abuse statutory rape, drug-facilitated sexual assault and intimate partner sexual assault.
Men, women and children can be a victim of sexual violence regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity or appearance. It is a purposeful, violent behavior that can leave the victim feeling fear, humiliation, loss of control, guilt, anger and embarrassment to name a few. Some victims will even feel they are to blame for the attack or are often not believed and made to feel its their fault. In reality, it is NEVER the victims fault but is the fault of the abuser.
The victim has the right to make their own decisions, be respected and feel safe. Sexual violence takes those rights away from another person.
A common form of sexual assault is Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault.
Drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) is also known as "predator rape." This happens when the victim becomes incapacitated from drugs or alcohol or the predator has slipped a drug in a drink without the victims knowledge and a rape occurs afterwards.
Although females fall victim to this the most, men can also be victims of drug-facilitated rape.
The most common forms of drugs used for this purpose are Rohypnol, GHB, ketamine, ecstasy, hypnotics and sedatives.
Perpetrators are usually non-confrontational and looking for good opportunities to commit such a crime. They usually have it planned out in advanced, such as building some trust with the victim, where it will take place, so that it wont be interrupted, what they will do to avoid being caught or arrested (such as re-dressing the victim or telling the victim that it was consensual or that there was no sexual contact or leaving the scene before the victim wakes up.)
Again, education is needed to prevent such tragedies within our community. By learning what to look for at parties or other places where alcohol is being served, you can prevent sexual assaults.
What are some ways to reduce your risk of being sexually assaulted?
How can you help a friend that you suspect has been drugged?
If you have to take a friend to the ER because you suspect they have been drugged, what should you take along to the ER with you?
What are some early warning signs that you may have been drugged?
What do you do if you think you are a victim of DFSA?
Being educated about drug-facilitated sexual assaults will better prepared you for your safety as well as the safety of your friends.
If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence and would like help, please call 660-269-8111.
If you would like for someone to come and speak to your group about domestic/sexual violence, please give us a call. Our presentations will be "age appropriate" for your group.
Safe Passage, PO Box 456, Moberly, MO 65270 Business (660)269-8999
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]