Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior towards another individual. Children, as well as adults can be victims of bullying.
There are four types of bullying; verbal, social, physical & cyber.
Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things which can include, name calling, threats, demands, teasing.
Social bullying refers to hurting someone's reputation or destroying relationships, which can include, spreading rumors about others, causing embarrassment for someone in public, purposely leaving others out.
Physical bullying refers to hurting a person or their personal possessions which can include, hitting, pushing, restraint, spitting, destroying someone's things or rude hand gestures.
Cyber bullying refers to bullying through online social networks, email or any communication through the internet.
If you would like for someone to come and speak to your group about bullying, please give us a call. We will schedule a time to meet with you.
Safe Passage, PO Box 456, Moberly, MO 65270 Business (660)269-8999
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]